
Generated Solutions offers significant experience in all aspects of project and business consulting services. Our project consulting expertise includes:

  • Problem Definition: Beforing defining a solution it is best-practice to first define the problem to be solved; this definition may take the form of a simple problem definition statement, a more complex project charter document or a full business requirements document. Regardless of its form, the definition must identify the stakeholders and articulate their needs
  • Solution Definition: Once a problem has been fully defined the possible solutions can be explored; this solution exploration involves analyzing various paradigms and solution spaces, for the best fit to the problem and the economics of the project. The solution definition is the basis for the detailed architecture that follows.
  • Software Architecture: There are many definitions for the term “software architecture“; for any particular project, the definition applied is often related to the methodology that is being utilized. Essentially though, the architecture of a complex software system is its “style and method of design and construction”. [BHayes-Roth 95]
  • Project Management: The application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to a broad range of activities to meet the requirements of a particular project – within the standard five process groups: initiating, planning, executing, controlling and closing.

Our project approach integrates each phase of a project through an iterative process that leads from a detailed problem definition to a complete solution.

Business Consulting: Often, a necessary first step when deciding to initiate a project, is to develop a business case or a preliminary business plan. This may be undertaken to fully scope and understand the risks involved and the opportunity represented by a project. The principals of Generated Solutions have extensive experience building business cases.

The technology development services that we provide include both systems integration work and custom software development – and both can be provided in either a consulting capacity or a contract development manner.

Software development projects today are typically comprised of a number of off-the-shelf components integrated with custom development. Generated Solutions specializes in this type of project.

The technology components that we use to develop complete solutions are tightly integrated through custom development.

We have experience with and a solid understanding of the technologies offered by both of the dominant solution spaces – Java and .Net – from server platforms and deployment frameworks; to development tools and methodologies; to wireless integration and deployment.

We apply our experience to the following technology development areas:

  • client/server application development
  • web application development
  • distributed application development
  • software maintenance and testing
  • product development and testing

Our on-going commitment is to ensure that we understand emerging technology and that we innovate with technology, when building a solution, to best meet our clients requirements.

Generated Solutions offers its clients total solutions through project management, systems integration and custom software development. We build technology at costs that are very competitive to other firms and to your internal resources; our services can help you to generate a great return on your investment in technology.

Expertise, time and cost are all factors that contribute to the value that we have to offer.

Utilizing our services has direct cost saving benefits:

  • immediate development – reduced ramp-up time; no lead-time to recruit, organize, train, support and supervise development staff
  • project success – realized by leveraging particular competencies that we possess
  • operating costs – can be reduced and controlled with the tactical use of outside resources, which have a lower cost structure due to specialization
  • on budget, on time – with a professional approach to project development, from start to finish

Other important benefits to our services include:

  • gaining access to resources that are not available internally
  • freeing internal resources for other purposes
  • gaining world-class expertise in technology and methodology
  • reducing technology risks by leveraging experience you may not have yet acquired