
Today, business is challenging and technology investments have become increasingly critical to your success; you need to make the right decision when choosing a technology partner.

Generated Solutions is that partner; our development approach integrates industry leading tools, methodologies, technologies and practices to address your unique business challenges.

Our approach to delivering your technology solutions ensures that we deliver on your business objectives:

  • we maintain an environment that integrates our creative, technical and management resources to deliver rapid, high quality solutions
  • our project management experience is essential to our ability to manage risk inherent to technology projects
  • we focus on understanding and utilizing the latest technologies in our solutions, ensuring they stay relevant
  • we employ the right development methodology to fit your unique business requirements

The enabling element to approach is our commitment to our mission – to deliver high quality, technology solutions and services consistently to our clients.

As an outputs-oriented partner, our responsibilities to you include:

  • deliver fixed term projects on time, on budget and in a professional manner
  • ensure that our resources are knowledgeable and skilled, to ensure our solutions are of the highest quality
  • monitor, track and share the status on all project activities

Generated Solutions tailors the development methology utilized for each project – based on the unique business requirements and technology risks of our clients. We believe that no one specific methology fits every development situation.

We view development methodologies as tools that are employed to manage risk.

Flexibility helps us to better fit our methodology to you and your requirements; and a repeatable process ensures consistent output and ultimate development success. It is our process that allows us to manage variables such as time, cost and functionality as they vary from project to project.

Regardless of the formality with which a methodology is applied to a project, we always wrap the project in our repeatable process. Our process has the following major points:

  • Problem Definition
  • Business Analysis & Requirements
  • System Specification & Design
  • Implementation
  • Quality Assurance
  • Deployment

The list shown above starts with the problem definition and ends with the deployment of the solution; that is not meant to imply that the intervening steps are simple or ordered. The process when applied to most projects, involves iteration between steps in a feedback driven fashion. The amount of iteration is usually a function of the projects complexity, the problem domain, the solution domain and the time constraints on the project.

There are specific outputs produced from each step in the above process; the formality and nature of the methodology applied within the process dictates the format and complexity of the outputs; and our clients can largely dictate the methodology.