Canon Canada / Canon USA

SCSI Fax Communications Interface In partnership with Canon (Canada/USA/Japan) we designed and developed an SCSI interface between a host computer and a high-end Canon fax machine. The SCSI interface was the next step in the evolution of computer to fax machine interfaces, from the earlier RS232 interface. Capable of 5 Mb/sec. transfers the interface worked with two Canon fax machines, the L6500 and the L4600. Both machines were capable of G3 and G4 communications and with the software interface could be utilized as high resolution scanners, 30 page per minute laser printers and send/receive...

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Wordcraft (Canada) Corporation

Fax Communications Interface Developed an RS232-based PC to fax applications interface. With this interface, the Wordcraft integrated desktop publishing product was able to utilize a number of Canon facsimile machines directly as image printers, scanner and send/receive fax devices. The Canon fax machines that interfaces were created for included the L770, 750, 850 and L920. We worked with other fax OEMs such as Panasonic and Fujitsu to build similar interfaces to their fax devices.

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National Electronic Marketing Inc.

Multi-Tasking Electronic Auction Software For several years, Generated Solutions took over all design, development and customer service responsibilities for NEMI, related to their electronic auction system. The system consists of a multi-tasking communication server (X.25) that controls multiple simultaneous auctions with up to 1000 interactive users. A series of text files were used to describe an auction sale and bidders were allowed to login and bid on each lot in the auction as they were offered. Enhancements introduced during this time included supporting the Dutch auction model for...

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Ontario Livestock Exchange Inc.

Live Auction Sales System Designed and implemented a Live Auction Sales System and Integrated Environment (LASSIE) for OLEX. The system tracked all livestock as it entered the sale barns, move through the auction rings and ultimately back out of the sale barns. Besides tracking the livestock, the system calculated all commissions, insurances, special deductions and taxes for all buyer and seller transactions. It printed buyer invoices,seller cheques, trucker cheques and posted all pertinent accounting information to an A/R file for import to the online accounting system. Each live auction...

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Basis100 Inc

Fixed Income Technology (CanDeal) Basis100 Inc. engaged Generated Solutions to assist in the design and implementation of a Retail Fixed Income line of business. We provided a Product Manager and a Business Analyst to assist in the development of the high level product definition and functional requirements and subsequently the development of detailed functional specifications. During this project, we also provided two Senior Architects to perform a detailed analysis of the business requirements and technology capabilities of Shorcan Brokerage Limited, Spectra Securities Inc., E*Trade Canada,...

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Filogix Inc.

New Mortgage Origination System (NOS) We worked closely with Filogix executives, management and technical staff to analyze and document the requirements for a next generation mortgage origination platform. Filogix has acquired and developed a number of origination systems and the goal of this project was to develop a unified replacement to those systems. The solution involved both a thin-client and fat (Java Swing) client communicating to an integrated server layer. Generated Solutions continued to work with FiLogix on this project, supplying project management, architecture and development...

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