Buhl Automatic Inc.

Networked Sales Lead Tracking System Designed and implemented a sales lead tracking system for the sales team with the company. The system ran on a Novell network and used the Btrieve file manager. The system kept track of all current and prospective sales leads for the company, by sales person assigned and point in the sale cycle. Remote Diagnostics Software Developed a remote diagnostics software package for operation with a range of industrial controllers that the company produced. The RDS system was designed to allow a support engineer to simulate any monitoring screen he wished by...

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Sybase Canada / Financial Fusion

Financial Fusion – Consulting Services Generated Solutions has provided two consultants to Financial Fusion, a Sybase company, to work on various professional services projects large U.S. banks.

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Canadian Caging Corporation

Campaign Donation Database CanCor is an outsource service providing mailing and receipt services to the Canadian charity industry. Generated Solutions designed and developed a database system for CanCor that managed donation receipts for charitable campaigns. This was a multi-user system that tracked all mail received and opened for any number of charitable mailing campaigns. Bank deposits and accounting entries for the receipts were created and new mailing lists were created based on responses received. Receipts to donors as well as daily, weekly, monthly and campaign reporting to client...

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Ontario Ministry of Agriculture & Food OBCFPP

OBCFPP Database System The Ontario Beef Cattle Financial Protection Plan manages the licensing of registered beef cattle buyers and the financial protection plan that the Ontario government has in place to safe guard producers from buyers who default on their payments. Generated Solutions was engaged by the OBCFPP to design and develop a single coherent system that could administer the licensing of the beef cattle buyers, the collection of fees from auction yards and the settlement of claims from producers. The system replaced and streamlined a collection of manual processes that involved...

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Internet Payment Processing Inc. / TS Controls

Distributed Computing Framework – Bytecode Kernel Development Generated Solutions was engaged by TS Controls Inc. to work in a subcontract capacity for Internet Payment Processing Inc. (also called PayPro). Our mandate was to port (re-write) a C language transactional framework, that was used in embedded systems such as credit and debit card readers (IVI Verifact), to Windows 32-bit architecture (in C++). As an embedded systems framework it provided a byte-code interpreter so that transactional software could be developed in a processor independent manner. Embedded software could be...

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Wallenstein Feed & Supply Ltd.

Purchase Order Processing System Designed and implemented a purchase order processing system (POPS), using the Raima Data Manager, and running on a local area network. The system tracked all product sales by product code, sales category and formula number; it produced purchase orders, invoices, month end aging reports and a number of related reports. Broiler Care System Designed and implemented a companion module for the purchase order processing system that tracks flocks of broiler chickens. The system took the date that the birds went into the barn, their target weight and a number of...

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