Wallenstein Feed & Supply Ltd.

Purchase Order Processing System

Designed and implemented a purchase order processing system (POPS), using the Raima Data Manager, and running on a local area network. The system tracked all product sales by product code, sales category and formula number; it produced purchase orders, invoices, month end aging reports and a number of related reports.

Broiler Care System

Designed and implemented a companion module for the purchase order processing system that tracks flocks of broiler chickens. The system took the date that the birds went into the barn, their target weight and a number of other factors into account and produced a feed delivery and lighting schedule for the flock. The feed deliveries could be optimized between multiple barns and / or customers to reduce freight charges. This multi-user system was developed in C and was a multi-user system using the Raima Data Manager on the server.

Custom AP/GL System

Created an accounts payable and general ledger system for use by the feed mill and Wallenstein Transport. The system featured a full general ledger module with journal entries, chart of account maintenance, income statement and balance sheet printing. It also featured accounts payable invoice entry and payment, through accounts payable cheques.

This custom solution was designed to replace the companies use of AccPac and a full-time controller/accountant who had retired. It achieved this through tight vertical integration with the manner in which Wallenstein Feed carried on business.